Books Relating
to the
46th Regiment

Whilst many military history books include passing references to the 46th Regiment, it is not our intention to list every book in which the regiment appears. Instead this is designed to be a comprehensive list of books specific to the regiment and its subsequent incarnations. If you know of any books which ought to be listed here but are missing, please let us at know. Books are listed in reverse chronological order of the latest date covered.

Regimental History
(46th Regiment, 2/DCLI, 2/Somerset & Cornwall LI, 1/Light Infantry)

Exceedingly Lucky - a history of the Light Infantry, 1968-1993, by A. Makepeace-Warne, published by Jary, Bristol, in 1993.

The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (32nd and 46th), by P.M. Salusbury-Trelawny, published by the Trustees of the DCLI Museum, Bodmin, 1981.

The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, by R. F. K. Goldsmith, published by Leo Cooper, London, 1970. (Famous Regiments series).

The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 1939-1945, by Major E. G. Godfrey, MC, originally published in 1966, republished by Image Publishing (Malvern) Ltd., Upton-upon-Severn, 1994 (ISBN 1 897817 41 X).

A Short History of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 1702-1945, by Lawrence Sylvester Snell, published by Gale and Polden, Aldershot, 1945.

A Short History of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, its formation and services, 1702-1938, (Anon.), published by Underhill, Plymouth, 1939; republished, 1945.

Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, A Short History of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 1702-1928, (Anon.), published by Swiss and Co., Devonport, 1929

The History of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 1914-1919, by Everard Wyrall, published by Methuen & Co., London, 1932.

Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, The Adventures of a Regiment - 46th during the campaign in Egypt, July-October 1882; from the notes of a diary of one who was present, (Anon.), published by V. Penasson, Alexandria, 1883.

Reminiscences of Gibraltar, Egypt and the Egyptian War, 1882, from the ranks, by John Philip, published by D. Wyllie, Aberdeen, 1893. (Sergeant in the 2nd Battalion DCLI.)

A Review of the Evidence before the Second Court-martial on Lieutenant Perry, of the 46th Regiment, by a Civilian (W. W. S.), London, 1855. ("W.W.S." was a lawyer by the name of William W. Stephens).

Historical Record of the Forty-Sixth or the South Devonshire, Regiment of Foot: containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1741 and of its subsequent services to 1851, compiled by Richard Cannon, Esq., published by Parker, Furnivall, & Parker, London, 1851.

Notes on the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. No.1. The Raising of the Regiment and the meaning of its name. No.2. Early War Services by Major H. T. Cornish-Bowden, published by Horns and Miller, Devonport, 1913/1914.

Regimental History
(Other DCLI battalions)

With the Cornwall Territorials on the Western Front, being the history of the Fifth Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in the Great War, complied from official records and other sources by E. C. Matthews, published by W. P. Spalding, Cambridge, 1921.

History of the 1st DCLI 1914 compiled from official records and other sources, by E. M. Channing-Renton, published by Studies Publications, Alexandria, 1924.

Standing Orders

Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Regimental Standing Orders, 1936, by Major-General W. K. Venning, CB, CMG, CBE, MC, printed by Underhill (Plymouth) Ltd., Plymouth in 1936.

Standing Orders of His Majesty's Forty-Sixth, or South-Devon Regiment of Foot, by Col. Baldwin Leighton, printed by G. Robbins, Green-Street, Bath in 1798.


The Costume of the 46th Regiment by Michael Angelo Hayes 1837, by W. Y. Carman, published by the National Army Museum, 1972. (This book is still available from the Regimental Museum at Bodmin).

Memoirs, Diaries and Letters

From Eight to Eighty, the Life of a Crimean and Indian Mutiny Veteran, by W. T. Jervis-Waldy, published by Harrison and Sons, London, 1914.

Eyewitness in the Crimea, the Crimean War Letters of Lt.-Col. George Frederick Dallas, edited by Michael Hargreave Mawson, published by Greenhill Books, London, in 2001.

Letters from Camp to His Relatives During the Siege of Sebastopol, by Colin Frederick Campbell, late Lt.-Col. 46th Regiment, published by Richard Bentley and Son, London, 1894.

The Murder of a Regiment, Winter Sketches from the Crimea 1854-55 by An Officer of the 46th Foot (South Devonshire Regt), edited by Major Colin Robins, published by Withycut House, Bowdon, Cheshire, 1994. (The officer in question is Lt. Richard Lluellyn).

Medal Rolls etc.

Awards and Rewards, being a comprehensive roll of all Orders, Decorations, Medals, Annuities, Gratuities and Prizes awarded to members of the 46th Regiment of Foot, 1741-1881, by Michael Hargreave Mawson - IN PREPARATION.

La Légion d'Honneur, being a record of the award of the Chevalier class of the Légion d'Honneur to the officers and men of the 4th Division of the British Army in the East, 1854 - 1855 - 1856, by Michael Hargreave Mawson, privately published, 1997. Second edition, 2000.

Medals for the Crimea Campaign of 1854-56 awarded to The 46th (South Devon) Foot, collated and privately published by Andrew Sewell, Bedford, 1995.

Fiction and Poetry

Eustace; An Elegy, by Charles Tennyson D'Eyncourt, published by Wm. Davy & Son, London in 1850. (Capt. Eustace D'Eyncourt, 46th Regiment, died in Barbados, in 1842).

Ensign Calder, being fragmentary reminiscences from the career of a Subaltern Officer of H. M. 46th Regiment of Foot, and those of his intimate friends, Lieutenant Wicks, RN, and Mr. Acting-Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General Pilkington, in Sydney, circa 1816, during the Governorship of Major-General Lachlan Macquarie, CB, by J. H. M. Abbott, published by N. S. W. Bookstall Co. Ltd., Sydney, Australia, 1922.

Redcoat, by Bernard Cornwell, published by Michael Joseph, London, 1987. (The identity of the regiment to which this "Redcoat" belongs is kept deliberately ambiguous, but there are strong arguments in favour of it being the 46th).

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